How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollen

Book Review


More nonfiction! This is one of the best books I read last year.⁣

⁣In How to Change Your Mind, Michael Pollen takes us through the history of psychedelics beginning with the research that started in the 60s (but was quickly frozen due to the bad rap the drugs acquired) as well as the recent evidence and brain science that proves the potential of psychedelics to improve a range of psychiatric conditions - when administered by a professional in a safe environment! - like depression, OCD, addiction, PTSD, and existential anxiety. He also discusses the mystical experiences many people report while under the influence of these drugs and what brain science revels about these experiences. ⁣

⁣One anecdote I found particularly interesting was that one of the founders of AA, Bill Wilson, strongly believed in the power of psychedelics to help overcome alcoholism (prompted by a spiritual experience he had while on a psychedelic drug) and wanted to include hallucinogenic therapy as one of AA’s tenants. However, others felt this inclusion would send mixed messages. ⁣

⁣Pollen also recounts his own (mostly positive) experiences with the drugs in question, which he tries in research for this book.⁣

⁣If you’re interested in brain science or psychology, this is a must read.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 out of 5 stars)


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