Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Book Review


Have you read Such a Fun Age?? If so, I would love to know your thoughts!⁣

⁣This book was not at all what I expected. Based on the synopsis, I expected the whole book to focus on the aftermath of Emira, a young Black woman, being accused of kidnapping the white child she babysits. However, that plot line more or less plays out in the first few chapters of the book (while remaining an underlying theme that the characters often reflect back on and question). The rest of the book is much more nuanced and primarily focuses on the dynamics between Emira and Alix, her rich (and slightly psycho) white boss, as well as Emira’s relationship with her new white boyfriend, who ends up having a connection to Alix.

⁣This was definitely a fast read for me - I loved the short chapters and never knew where the story was going next, which encouraged me to keep reading. That said, Alix MAJORLY creeped me out. I was constantly questioning how she could possibly think her behavior was acceptable. I also wasn’t crazy about Emira’s boyfriend, who seemed sketchy to me from the start. However, the way in which the book addresses racial bias as well as the tendency of some white people to overcompensate to a point of fetishization was incredibly fascinating.

⁣⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5/5 stars


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