The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger

Book Review


This was the first book I read this year back in January. I always love reading about entrepreneurs and business executives and learning about how they achieved their success. If you enjoy business books, I highly recommend this one!⁣

⁣In this memoir by Disney’s longtime CEO, Bob Iger details his experience working his way up the corporate latter - beginning as a studio supervisor at ABC - as well as how he reinvented Disney during his tenure as CEO. Iger shares the lessons he’s learned in his 45-year career and allows the reader an inside look Disney’s acquisition of some of the most well-known media companies in the world. Did you know Disney owns LucasFilms, Marvel, Pixar, ABC, 21st Century Fox (don’t worry they sold off Fox News ☺️), ESPN and has a majority stake in Hulu? Most of those acquisitions took place under Iger’s 15-year run as CEO. I found it particularly interesting to read about Iger’s discussions with Steve Jobs about Pixar and the future of media as well as his negotiations with Rupert Murdoch to purchase Fox.⁣

⁣What’s the best business book you’ve read recently??⁣

⁣⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars


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