How Not To Die by Dr. Greger

Book Review


When was the last time you read a book that changed your life? Reading “How Not to Die” certainly changed mine. Since reading this book a couple years ago, I’ve completed changed my diet and become a believer in the healing power of food. ⁣

⁣In this New York Times bestseller, Dr. Greger discusses the top fifteen causes of death in America - including cancer, heart disease, suicidal depression, diabetes and more - which kill 1.6 million Americans each year. In great detail, he explains the diet and lifestyle changes necessary to prevent (and sometimes even reverse) these diseases. He advocates on behalf of an “evidence based diet” and theorizes that the key to living a long and healthy life is eating a whole-food, plant-based diet. He cites the latest nutritional science to prove that everything from asthma and allergy symptoms to hypertension and depression can be alleviated by cutting out processed food and sticking to a plant-based diet.⁣

⁣He also includes a checklist he calls the “Daily Dozen”, which is a list of the food we all should eat daily to maintain optimal health. The list includes the following:⁣

⁣—3 servings of beans ⁣
⁣—1 serving of berries ⁣
⁣—3 serving other fruit ⁣
⁣—1 serving of cruciferous veggies⁣
⁣—2 servings of greens⁣
⁣—2 servings other vegetables⁣
⁣—1 serving of flaxseed⁣
⁣—1 serving of nuts⁣
⁣—1 serving of spices (like turmeric or ginger)⁣
⁣—3 servings of whole grains⁣
⁣—5 servings of beverages ⁣
⁣—1 serving of exercise ⁣

⁣If you’re interested in tracking your intake of the daily dozen (or just learning more about the checklist) you can download Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen app (it’s free) or check out his website:


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