Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Book Review


Where to begin with this one… I really wanted to love this book, as it seems to be beloved by much of bookstagram, but it just didn’t quite do it for me.

⁣While I did enjoy the second half of the book, I felt the majority of the story was a bit too all over the place. I also didn’t love the majority of the characters. I haven’t read any other Fredrik Backman books, but he certainly has a very distinctive writing style in this particular book. He often addresses the reader directly and says things like “this is a story about…”. For some reason that bugged me.

⁣This is a story about (😉) a bank robbery gone wrong. When a desperate bank robber tries to rob a cashless bank, the perpetrator attempts to flee and ends up crashing an apartment viewing and taking the present house-hunters hostage. The timeline of the story switches back and forth between the events in question and the aftermath at the police station, as detectives attempt to locate the now-missing bank robber.

⁣Each of the characters are quite unique, as they all have a slew of problems. While I found most of them pretty annoying in the first half of the book, the second half of the book is redeeming, as it makes clear their true intentions. There were also some laugh out loud moments in the second-half.

⁣Rating this one is tough for me… rounding up due to the unique storyline and the fact that the ending certainly kept me guessing.


⁣Have you read this one?? If so, what did you think? Should I try another Fredrik Backman book?


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