The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson

Book Review

If you’re a fan of sci-fi adventures, this is a must read!

In her debut novel, Micaiah Johnson builds an incredible world where humans have discovered the multiverse and developed the technology to travel between worlds. With 360 different versions of planet Earth, only those whose doppelgängers have died on another Earth are able to visit said world. Enter Cara ,whose parallel self is dead in all but eight worlds, thereby making her one of the most valuable and seasoned traversers (or “world walkers”).

As Cara hops between worlds collecting data to return to Earth 0, she conceals the truth about how she came to possess the comfortable life she currently inhabits. However, her long-kept secret and her very existence become threatened when she stumbles upon some unsettling discoveries about the use of her company’s world-traveling technology.

This book was SO GOOD. The world building was top-notch, the storyline was thrilling and kept me guessing the entire way through and I loved the representation and character development of Cara as a powerful bi-racial and bi-sexual leading lady.

The Space Between Worlds came out in 2020 and I’m honestly shocked it hasn’t received more hype. This is the perfect read for anyone who loves sci-fi, fantasy or thriller books…Or just a strong and commanding leading lady.


Have you read this one? If so, I would LOVE to know your thoughts!




January 2022 Wrap Up