There There by Tommy Orange

Book Review


Rated one of the best books of 2018 by the @nytimes and nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, this book has been on my list for ages. I’m slowly but surely making it through my backlist!

There There follows a variety of different Native Americans living in/near Oakland. As the chapters bounce around between characters and narrators, we are offered a glimpse at the daily lives and struggles of urban Native Americans. Each chapter reads more like its own short story rather than a cohesive narrative… that is, until the last 1/4 of the book, when all the character’s stories converge at the Oakland powwow.

As the book focuses on 12 main characters, I had a pretty difficult time keeping all their different stories straight. I also found some characters far more interesting and engaging than others; nevertheless, each character’s story shines a light on the modern-Native experience, which was illuminating to read about. Furthermore, the ending left me stunned. While the book is a work of fiction, the tragic events that it depicts are all too real.


TW: gun violence, mass shooting, alcoholism, addiction, racism, substance abuse, rape

I would love to add more books by Native American authors to my TBR, if you have a recommendation, please drop me a comment!


A Girl is a Body of Water by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi


The Panic Years by Nell Frizzell