The Panic Years by Nell Frizzell

Book Review


When I saw the title of this book, I knew I had to read it. As someone who has gone through many life changes in the past several years, I still feel rather unsettled and uncertain about my life’s trajectory and with that uncertainty comes a level of panic/fear. Am I running out of time to do the things I want to do? Is it too late to start over? Should I be married by now? Do I want kids? I’m sure many of you can relate.

Nell Frizzell, the author of The Panic Years and a freelance journalist living in the UK, calls the period between a person’s late 20s and early 40s “the flux,” a time in which women in particular are faced with many life-changing decisions. One of the most important of which, is whether or not to have children. As Nell recounts her experience navigating her way through her own Flux or “panic years” she details all her doubts, struggles and triumphs as a means to help other women through this challenging season of life.

While the premise of the book really spoke to me and I so appreciate the author’s willingness to bare her soul in the hopes of making others feel less alone, I wish there had been a bit more focus on career, friendships and/or inevitable bad dates, rather than so many pages dedicated to wanting/having babies. Frizzell does touch on all these topics, however, the bulk of the book centers on the question of whether or not to have a baby and motherhood. As I am still a ways away from starting a family, I didn’t feel quite as connected to this subject matter as someone who is actively wanting or trying to conceive. That said, if you fall into the latter camp or are a new mom, I think there is quite a lot in this book that will resonate with you.

One of the things I liked most about the author’s blunt writing style is that she unabashedly shares her feelings on issues that some may consider taboo. For example, she talks about having to learn to love her son as well as sometimes wondering if she made the right choice in deciding to have a child. While I myself have not personally experienced these things, I have to imagine many mothers can relate.


Special thanks to Flatiron Books for sending me this gifted copy!


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