State Change by Robin Berzin, MD

Book Review

Looking for a book to help jumpstart your routine in the new year? Look no further…

Written by a holistic doctor and the founder of Parsley Health, State Change details the various steps the author took in her own life to improve her health and wellbeing as well as those that have helped her patients to overhaul their lives. While some of the book reads like a sales pitch for Parsley Health, the data provided is nevertheless compelling… as is the conclusion that mental health is rooted in physical health.

The author’s guide for achieving a “state change,” which she defines as a “metamorphosis of your emotional and mental health triggered by a change in your physical health” includes guidance on the following:

—Diagnostic testing (to determine your baseline heath and any potential underlying issues)

—Exercise and healthy eating

—Daily supplements 

—Technology (and how our modern reliance on screens and tech affects both mental and physical health)

—New frontiers in mental health (think psychedelics, energy healing and meditation) 

A few interesting takeaways: 

— The average American attention span is just 8 seconds - due in large part to our obsessive use of technology, the internet and social media

—Just 20 minutes of aerobic activity is enough to improve mood. The more intense a workout, the more feel-good endorphins you produce

—Those who don’t exercise are twice as likely to be depressed and 60% more likely to experience anxiety

—One night of poor sleep can increase anxiety levels by 30%

—1 in 6 Americans takes at least one psychiatric drug

—Genetic testing can help determine the most effective antidepressant for a person’s genetic makeup

—The author recommends most everyone should take the following daily supplements (at a minimum): Vitamin D, Omega 3, probiotics and methylated B12 & folate.

As someone who has read my fair share of psychology, nutrition and self-help books, much of the information included in the book was not necessarily new to me, however, it’s always helpful to have a little refresh - especially when it’s compiled in an approachable and engaging format.


Thank you to Simon Element for my gifted copy!


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