No Exit by Taylor Adams

Book Review


Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! I’m currently quarantining, so I spent my Halloween finishing this bone-chilling thriller 😅. ⁣

⁣This was almost a DNF for me, as the beginning seriously creeped me out 🥴, but thanks to encouragement from some of my bookclub gals, I kept reading.

⁣This incredibly fast-paced thriller takes place in one night as Darby, a college student driving home for Christmas break, stops at a rest stop to wait out a winter storm. While snowed in with four strangers, Darby catches a glimpse of a young girl locked up in a cage in the back of one of the stranger’s vans. After confiding in the stranger she deems safe, Darby comes up with a plan to free the kidnapped victim. However, her plan unravels as many unexpected twists turn the night into an increasingly lethal situation.

⁣While this book was certainly much darker than my ideal thriller, it definitely kept me guessing. Each time I thought I knew what was coming next, something else completely unexpected happened. I do wish there had been a bit more character development, rather than just jumping straight into the action. Nevertheless, it was unquestionably a captivating read.

⁣⭐️⭐️⭐️✨/4 stars⁣


In Five Years by Rebecca Serle


October Wrap Up