Yearbook by Seth Rogan

Book Review

This book was truly a delight. I’m not typically one for celebrity memoirs, but I do love to laugh, so when a good friend recommended this audiobook, I decided to give it a go. I was not disappointed.

In his collection of short stories, Seth Rogan recounts some of the formidable experiences of his entertaining life. From growing up with (hilarious) Jewish grandparents and beginning his standup career to experimenting with drugs, meeting celebrities and creating some of his most noteworthy films (I especially loved the bits about his controversial film The Interview), each chapter made me laugh out loud. The only thing missing was a story about his newfound passion for pottery…. which is definitely my favorite thing about him.

I highly recommend the audiobook, as it’s narrated by Seth Rogan (along with a full cast) and therefore feels like a stand-up routine about his life… at just 6 hours total, this is the perfect audiobook for a long drive.

I listened to this one over the course of a couple days and upon finishing, Seth Rogan’s voice and jovial essence lingered in my mind… to the point where, he seemed to be narrating my thoughts…? Which, admittedly, was kind of awesome.


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