While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams

Book Review


Is there anything Stacey Abrams can’t do?? You probably know her as a critical figure in the 2020 US presidential election, as she helped turn out a record number of voters in Georgia (thereby turning the state blue and sparing the world from another four years of He Who Shall Not Be Named). However, while she was out saving democracy, she was also writing a captivating legal thriller. She’s ALSO published eight romance novels under the pen name Selena Montgomery. I mean, talk about productivity. 🤯

The storyline of While Justice Sleeps is reminiscent of Natural Treasure and/or Scandal. When the legendary Supreme Court Justice Howard Wynn goes into a coma, those close to him are shocked to learn that he’s left his power of attorney and legal guardianship to an unassuming law clerk. Enter Avery Keene, a sharp young lawyer with high aspirations. Shortly after learning about her newfound role and Justice Wynn’s medical condition, Avery’s life is turned upside down as she dives head-first into the scavenger hunt of clues Justice Wynn left behind in an attempt to help her uncover a shocking conspiracy involving a high-profile Supreme Court case.

This story was certainly a page turner. However, I had a bit of a difficult time understanding Avery’s willingness to continually pursue Justice Wynn’s complex puzzle, especially in the face of major legal ramifications and death threats. Given her loose ties to Justice Wynn, Avery’s unyielding loyalty to him felt a bit far-fetched. Though perhaps as an aspiring legal power-house, she just felt incredibly committed to serving justice. Whatever the case, I very much enjoyed this one.

Yet another win for Stacey Abrams 💯


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