Upgrade by Blake Crouch

Book Review

Happy publication day to Upgrade! The latest sci-fi adventure thriller from the incredible Blake Crouch is on sale today!

You know Blake Crouch from Dark Matter and Recursion, which are two of my favorite sci-fi books. I had high expectations for his latest novel and it largely delivered.

I loved the setting of this book in a dateless high-tech future where ever-advancing technology and human interests have resulted in the decimation of natural resources and human life. In this highly-advanced reality, gene editing has become not only possible, but common.

After a freak accident that nearly kills him, Logan Ramsey make a staggering recovery… one that leaves him with enhanced abilities - like super strength, night vision, improved concentration and impeccable memory. As he grapples with his new super-human form, he realizes that this upgrade to his genome was no accident. When those responsible for Logan’s transformation threaten to unleash this upgraded gene package on the general public - a risky endeavor that could kill upwards of a billion people (and strip billions more of their humanity), Logan is the only one capable of saving the human race.

As with Dark Matter and Recursion, I felt completely captivated with this story from beginning to end. While the book certainly requires a hefty does of willing suspension of disbelief (despite the genre), I still very much enjoyed it.

The last fourth of the book felt a bit too “guns blazing” for my taste, but overall I really enjoyed this one and definitely recommend it. Fans of the movie Limitless and/or Minority Report are sure to devour this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for allowing me to read an early digital copy of the book. I read this one while traveling in Spain earlier this summer. I took this photo in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, which has some of the most insane and futuristic architecture I’ve ever seen… which seemed quite fitting considering the setting of this book. 🤩


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