The Mother Code by Carole Stivers

Book Review


When you read a book about robots, obviously you have to dress your dog up in a robot costume. šŸ˜

Thank you Berkley Pub for sending me this gifted copy of The Mother Code - out now in paperback!

The Mother Code takes place several decades in the future when a man-made virus, created for biological warfare, spirals out of control and threatens to bring humanity to the brink of extinction. In an effort to preserve the human species, a team of scientist develop a plan to place genetically engineered babies (whom theyā€™ve made immune to the virus) into ā€œmotherā€ robots, who have the capacity to birth, shelter and raise the babies. However, the childrenā€™s survival becomes uncertain when the Mothers begin acting strangely.

While I loved the premise of the book, the execution fell a bit short for me. I found many of the characters underdeveloped and I therefore had a hard time keeping some of their storylines straight. I also found much of the scientific/artificial intelligence conversations quite confusing. Unlike Project Hail Mary, which includes quite a lot of astrophysics and other science I couldnā€™t possibly understand, I wasnā€™t able to simply skim over the parts I knew I had no hope of understanding, as they were too essential to the plot line. I think it would have helped to have a less smart character in the room during the in-depth scientific conversationsā€¦ one who required a childlike explanation of what the scientists were trying to accomplish.

Given the content and storyline of the book, I think this one will work better as a movieā€¦. and clearly Iā€™m not the only one, because the book is already being adapted for film by Stephen Spielberg. Talk about an accomplishment for a debut novelist!!

If youā€™re a big sci-fi fan or just love a futuristic storyline, give this one a try.


Whatā€™s your favorite science fiction book??


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