The Lion’s Den by Katherine St. John

Book Review


If you're looking for the perfect summer beach/pool read, look no further!

Thanks a bunch to Grand Central pPub and Hachette for sending me this gifted copy. Paperback edition out now!

Kat St. John’s debut novel is a classic rich-people-behaving-badly story that will keep you guessing until the end. Based on a mega yacht sailing through the Mediterranean, the book includes some swoon-worthy scenery as it follows our protagonist, Belle, on a girls trip from hell. The trip begins as an idyllic once-in-a-lifetime vacation bankrolled by the much older and obscenely wealthy boyfriend of Belle’s longtime friend, Summer. However, things quickly go south as Belle begins to discover a series of unsettling secrets. The more Belle discovers, the more she fears for her life. Will she make it off the yacht alive??

I absolutely devoured this book. It was exactly what I needed after several heavier reads. If you’re looking for an easy, fun and fast-paced thriller that will take you to places reserved for the rich and famous, add this one to your TBR!

TW: sexual assault, physical violence, murder


Now that I’ve read The Lion’s Den, I can’t wait to read Kat St. John’s newest book, The Siren, which comes out on May 4th.


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