The Girl With Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee

Book Review


This incredible memoir about one woman’s escape from North Korea is truly a must-read. Not only does it shed light on one of the most secretive and oppressive countries in the world, but it also paints a picture of courage, human kindness and unconditional love.

In this astonishing true story, Hyeonseo Lee takes the reader through her upbringing in NK as well as the drama-filled events that led to her ultimate escape. Her story reads almost like a thriller novel, as it's packed with twists, turns and the occasional lucky break.

As the author navigates the world outside of her home country - which she was raised to believe was the “greatest country on Earth” - she attempts to hide her identity from even those closest to her. This results in a series of name changes and new identities across multiple cities and countries.

While I’ve seen my fair share of news about NK, it’s not often that we’re able to hear firsthand the stories of those living under authoritarian rule. Reading about the author’s experience in her home country, it was impossible not to notice the eerie parallels to the book 1984.

A few interesting facts about NK:
—In NK, it’s illegal to wear jeans, make-up, jewelry and/or foreign perfume. It’s also illegal to show any sort of vanity, as such is considered moral degeneracy and a capitalist indulgence.
—The bible is also illegal in NK… the only form of worship allowed is worship of the Kim family (aka the Supreme Leader & his ancestors/family), who are depicted as God-like beings.
—All households are required by law to display portraits of the Kim family in their home. Government officials often stop-in to search citizen’s households to ensure the portraits are properly displayed and cleaned. Something as simple as allowing dust to accumulate on the portraits can result in being sent to the gulag (a brutal government-owned labor camp).
—Human rights are nonexistent in NK
—The worst crime someone in NK can commit is showing disloyalty to the government. There are no trials in NK, rather, the accused are killed on the spot or sent to a labor camp. 😓


TW: Murder, kidnapping, assault, drug use, extreme oppression


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