The Acts of Life by Kristin Mulligan

Book Review


This book was such a pleasant surprise. Fans of Verity, this one’s for you!!

Did I take this book to a concert? Lol, I did not. I did, however, take it to an art exhibit. Swipe to see the live photo 😎.

Sam has trouble with commitment... that is, until he meets Harper, the perfect girl. However, his overly competitive twin sister, Stella, isn't thrilled about his newfound happiness. Overly competitive and borderline sociopathic, Stella is obsessed with having the better life. Despite their differences and geographic locations (Sam lives in San Fransisco and Stella lives in Los Angeles), the two have always remained close - bonded by the tragic loss of their parents in their adolescence. However, when tragedy strikes, shocking secrets come to light that force Sam to question everything he thinks he knows about both his sister and his newfound love.

The first half of this book reads like a charming (yet steamy) romance novel. The writing style combined with the scenery felt reminiscent of The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory. However, a major bomb is dropped at the half-way mark and the book turns from sweet romance to psychological thriller… forcing the reader to reconsider everything they’ve just read.

I went into this one more or less blind and I think that definitely added to my enjoyment…just take my word for it and pick this one up! Not only is it a perfect read for spooky season, but the author is a fellow bookstagrammer! Kristin self-published The Acts of Life, her debut novel, in September (for those keeping track, Colleen Hoover also self-published Verity 😉). I would love to see her book picked up by a major publisher (and obviously want to read all future books) - so help a sis out and go buy it!


What was the last book you read that surprised you (in a good way)??


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2021 Thriller Book Recs