July Wrap Up



A quick recap of the eight books I read this month…

✨All Our Shimmering Skies: A magical realism/historical fiction novel that follows an eclectic cast of characters hunting for treasure through the Australian bush during WW2

✨Happiness: A philosophical exploration of mindfulness, meditation and the Buddhist principles most important for cultivating happiness

✨Velvet Was The Night: From the author of Mexican Gothic, this historical fiction noir takes place in Mexico City in the 70s and follows those involved in a tumultuous political uprising. Publication date: Aug. 17th

✨Beautiful Country: A nonfiction memoir that recounts the author’s childhood living in New York City undocumented after immigrating from China. Publication date: Sep. 7th

✨We Are The Brennans: A fiction family drama about an Irish family in New York whose livelihood is threatened when long-kept secrets come to light. Publication date: Aug. 3rd

✨This is Your Mind on Plants: From the author of How to Change Your Mind, this similarly themed book explores the history, science and societal impacts of opium, caffeine and mescaline

✨The Maidens: A psychological thriller ripe in Greek mythology and mysterious murderers from the author of the Silent Patient

✨Hour of The Witch: The latest from the author of The Flight Attendant, this historical fiction book takes place in Boston in the 1620s as one woman’s petition for divorce turns into a witch hunt

My favorites this month were This Is Your Mind on Plants and Velvet is the Night (full reviews for both coming soon!).

What was the best book you read this month??


This is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollen
