In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

Book Review


If you’re looking for a Hallmark movie in book form, look no further! 🎄 ⁣

⁣This was our December pick for The Morning Bookclub and it was so fun to discuss with my favorite gals last night! While this book was undeniably cheesy and not my usual cup of tea, it was a cute escapism read filled with lots of holiday cheer. And nice and short for those of you trying to squeeze in as many books before the end of the year to hit your Goodreads goal. 😉⁣

⁣This Groundhog Day-style plot line follows Mae, a 26-year-old experiencing a bit of a quarter life crisis (we’ve all been there). Every year at Christmastime, Mae and her family meet up at a charming Cabin in Utah with a group of close friends. Among those in attendance every year is Andrew, Mae’s lifelong crush. After an error in judgement (fueled by eggnog) the first time around, Mae is sent back in time to… well, it’s not actually clear why she’s sent back in time. Nevertheless, she mysteriously wakes up on December 20th heading to the cabin for a do-over.

⁣The cheese-factor in this book is quite high… so much so that I almost didn’t make it past the first 50 pages. However, I did end up enjoying the last 3/4ths of the book. I think I would have found the storyline more believable if Mae and the object of her affection were in high school rather than in their mid-late 20s. So much of their behavior just felt sooo juvenile to me. Also, the time-travel aspect of the book fell a bit flat for me. While I LOVE a good time travel story, this one left much to be desired. I think the book would have been better with either more time travel (and some sort of explanation behind it) or doing away with that plot line altogether, as the book didn’t really need it.⁣


⁣I know a lot of you have already read this one (as I’ve seen it EVERYWHERE), so I would love to know what other holiday-themed books you’re reading and enjoying!




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