How to Stop Time by Matt Haig

Book Review


My first five star read of 2021! And a new favorite 🤩💓.

This is a story that sweeps you up and transports you to a place where time is but a construct. It’s also a beautiful reminder that the future is unknowable, so we best focus on the present or risk being ruled by time.

The main character, Tom Hazard, has a medical condition called anageria, which prevents him from aging at a normal rate. While Tom looks like an average 41-year-old man, he is, in fact, 439 years old.

Much like The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, the storyline alternates between present day and flashbacks from Tom’s life over the previous centuries. In his many years of life, we see Tom fall in love, meet famous historical figures (like Shakespeare, Captain Cook and F Scott Fitzgerald) and grapple with the ever-changing nature of the world. As Tom attempts to keep his condition concealed, he discovers a secret group, called the Albatross Society, intended to protect “albas” like him.

I absolutely loved the many historical references throughout the book as well as the anachronistic nature of the storytelling - for example, at one point, the narrator describes the attractiveness of a 16th century actor by suggesting he would be lucky to receive a single swipe-right on Tinder 😂. I also found Tom’s musings on the state of the world at various points throughout history incredibly wise and insightful.

I’m genuinely surprised I haven’t heard more about this book, as it is truly spectacular 💓. I came across it after reading (and loving) The Midnight Library and immediately ordered it based on the premise.

I think it’s safe to say I’m officially a huge Matt Haig fan. Whether or not you enjoyed The Midnight Library, I highly recommend this one to all! Especially to those that enjoy history and/or an existential-driven plot line.





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