14 Great Books For Book Club

Book Recommendations

Need help picking your next book club selection? Look no further!

Whether your genre of choice is historical fiction, sci-fi, nonfiction, memoir, literary fiction or something else, these fourteen fantastic books will give you and your crew plenty to discuss! I have personally read and loved each of these books - some I read with a book club and other I read independently (but wished I'd had someone to discuss with after finishing).

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For those who enjoy contemporary fiction:
These Impossible Things by Salma El-Wardany

These Impossible Things_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This stunning debut novel explores the dynamics between three twenty-something Muslim women as they navigate romantic relationships, familial conflict and their faith. Set between England and Egypt, this tearjerker perfectly captures the fierceness of female friendships. 

For those who enjoy nonfiction:
Cultish by Amanda Montell

Cultish_Bookmarkparty Book Description

Witty linguist Amanda Montell (author of Wordslut), explores how language helps to create and sustain modern-day cults and other cult-like groups - from CrossFit and Peloton to social media influencers and multi-level marketing companies to Scientology and more.  

For those who enjoy memoirs: Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang

Beautiful Country_Bookmarkparty Book Description

In her debut memoir, Qian Julie Wang recounts her childhood as an undocumented Chinese immigrant growing up in New York City. As she attempts to assimilate into an entirely new culture - while struggling with the constant threat of deportation - the author sheds light on the undocumented experience. 

For those who enjoy satirical fiction:
Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour

Black Buck_Bookmarkparty Book Description

In this incredibly unique satirical memoir, a young Black boy meets the CEO of a well-known tech start-up while working at Starbucks. When the CEO unexpectedly offers him a sales job, the protagonist is thrown into an entirely new world of money, tech bros, start-up culture, tokenism and much more. 

For those who enjoy domestic thriller/mystery:
The Push by Ashley Audrain

The Push_Bookmarkparty Book Description

Blyth is convinced something is wrong with her daughter; however, her husband is certain that she's just imagining things. When their son is born, Blythe worries for his safety. This psychological drama explores the complexities of motherhood and will keep you guessing until the final page. 

For those who enjoy historical fiction:
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Lessons in Chemistry_Bookmarkparty Book Description

A witty and compelling story about a single mom in the late 1950's/early 1960's who is a feminist ahead of her time. A chemist by trade, Elizabeth Zott accidentally becomes the host of a TV cooking show where she empowers women to improve both their cooking and their lives using Chemistry. 

For those who enjoy science fiction / speculative fiction: Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Sea of Tranquility_Bookmarkparty Book Description

From the author of Station Eleven & The Glass Hotel, this transcendent novel explores time travel and the question of 'are we living in a simulation?' as it jumps back and forth between the early 1900's and centuries into the future where humans have colonized the moon and a deadly plague begins spreading. 

For those who enjoy nonfiction / short stories:
You're the Only One I've Told: The Stories Behind Abortion by Dr. Meera Shah

You're The Only One I've Told_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This informative, educational and deeply moving collection of short stories proves that "people who have abortions represent every demographic, class, faith, cultural background and race." Furthermore, it exposes many mistruths about abortion and reveals the true science and faces behind the procedure. NOTE: A portion of the book's proceeds go towards abortion funds.

For those who enjoy magical realism / historical fiction: Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell

Hamnet_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This beautifully written historical fiction book follows the family drama and tragedy that inspired Shakespeare's famous play, Hamlet. The Black Death plays a starring role in this exquisite book that will give you much to discuss. Though be warned, this is a sad one as it explores the death of a child / a mother's grief. 

For those who enjoy historical fiction / OwnVoices: Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa

Against the Loveless World_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This incredible book gives voice to a community not often written about in mainstream literature, as the lead character - a Palestinian woman sentenced to solitary confinement in a high-tech Israeli prison - tells the story of her life spent as a political refugee. 

For those who enjoy nonfiction / true crime:
Mindf*ck by Christopher Wylie

Mindf*ck_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This mind blowing real-life conspiracy story sheds light on the behind-the-scenes tactics used by Cambridge Analytica (and others) to affect the outcome of the 2016 United States Presidential election as well as the Brexit campaign. Prepare to question everything after reading this one!

For those who enjoy multi-generational sagas / family dramas: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

Homegoing_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This beloved historical fiction / family drama novel traces the lineage of two Ghanian sisters across three centuries and two continents. In her debut novel, Yaa Gyasi exceptionally captures the joy, sorrow, grief and beauty that defines the fate of one family across eight generations.

For those who enjoy memoir / Own Voices: Somebody's Daughter by Ashley C. Ford

Somebody's Daughter_Bookmarkparty Book Description

In her heart-wrenching debut, Ashley C. Ford writes about coming-of-age in America as a young Black girl while her father is serving a prison sentence for raping two women. As she experiences both joy and trauma, the author is forced to reconcile her love for her father with his unforgivable crimes.

For those who thrillers / sci-fi/ dystopian fiction: The Awoken by Katelyn Monroe Howes

The Awoken_Bookmarkparty Book Description

This epic sci-fi adventure takes place in a dystopian world where cryogenics have made it possible to preserve and revive the dead. With humanity's newfound ability to "play God," a war between conflicting ideologies inevitably ensues and one unsuspecting woman becomes the face of a movement.

Stay tuned for more great book club recommendations!

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If you've read any of these fourteen books, I'm curious to know your thoughts! I always love hearing other people's opinions on books I've found fascinating or enjoyable. I'm also always looking for discussion-worthy books to suggest to my book club, so if you have any recommendations, drop me a comment! :)




The Awoken by Katelyn Monroe Howes