Godshot by Chelsea Bieker

Book Review


What do you know about cults? Contrary to what this gorgeous cover may lead you to assume, this is a rather dark book about a teenager coming of age in a cult.⁣

⁣Trigger warnings for this one include rape, incest, addiction, suicide and domestic violence. I struggled with this one largely due to these heavy topics and the fact that some of the characters were SO unlikable. I also had a hard time wrapping my head around how the main characters could possibly believe many of the lies they were sold. However, this book certainly reinforced the idea that we accept the reality that is presented to us.

⁣The story follows Lacey May, a fourteen year old girl who lives with her alcoholic mother in a small California town plagued by drought. Pastor Vern, the cult leader who presides over the area, promises his followers that he can end the drought and bring rain if only his disciples follow their “assignments.” Once Lacey May reaches the age where she is old enough to receive an assignment, her mother abandons her and she is forced to face her new reality on her own. As she searches for her mother, Lacey May makes some unlikely allies who help her to see the truth about Pastor Vern and his “methods”.

⁣While this one wasn’t really for me, I’m always excited to read an author’s debut novel and this was certainly a very unique and intriguing storyline. The book is very well-constructed and I’m interested to see what this author comes up with next.

⁣⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars⁣

⁣Have you read this one?? If so, I’d love to know your thoughts.


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