Finlay Donovan is Killing it by Elle Cosimano

Book Review


Picture this: you’re a struggling fiction writer discussing the plot of your next murder-mystery novel with your agent when a distraught wife overhears your conversation and mistakes you for a hit-woman. Naturally, she hires you to kill her husband. ☠️

The plot of Finlay Donovan is Killing It is truly outrageous and delicious. While it certainly requires a hefty willing suspension of disbelief, I very much enjoyed this outlandish tale of mistaken identity.

As Finlay’s curiosity and financial distress lead her down a path she never could have anticipated, she begins to uncover a web of secrets that land her smack dab in the middle of a conspiratorial plot… one that just might make for a bestselling novel.

While some of Finlay’s antics felt exceptionally far-fetched, the book was nevertheless a fun read and will certainly make for a binge-worthy television show (it’s currently being adapted for TV by the executive producer behind Pretty Little Liars).

If you watched and enjoyed the show Dead to Me (with Christina Applegate on Netflix) or are looking for a light and fun summer read, this book is definitely for you. ALSO, the sequel is scheduled for publication in February 2022. 🤩


I’ve seen some mixed reviews on this one, so if you’ve read it, I would love to know what you thought!


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