All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton

Book Review


Are you a fan of historical fiction and/or magical realism? If so, this one’s for you!

Shoutout to Harper Perennial for sending me this gifted copy of All Our Shimmering Skies - available now in paperback!

Taking place in Australia during WW2, the book follows the journey of thirteen-year-old Molly and her unlikely companions on an adventure to find a hidden treasure and discover the truth behind a generations-old curse against her family. After a series of Japanese bombs reduce her hometown to rubble and leave her orphaned, Molly asks the sky for guidance and is rewarded with a series of “sky gifts,” which assist her on her journey.

While the plot line very much intrigued me, I found the set-up of the story a bit slow. Furthermore, I felt rather confused by the magical realism elements of the plot (at least at the beginning), as I had a hard time deciphering what was real versus imagined (although I find that’s typically the case when I read magical realism). However, once Molly and her companions set off on their big adventure, I felt much more engaged and invested in the story.

Despite my minor critiques, the book is beautifully written and undoubtedly unique. The rich descriptions of the Australian bush (aka the largely-uninhabited backwoods of the country) paint a vivid picture of the serene yet precarious landscape. The author’s passion for his homeland comes across quite clearly, as the book reads like a love letter to Australia. Apart from the gorgeous scenery, I loved reading about the dynamics between Molly and her two adult travel companions - Greta, an actress, and Yukio, a Japanese fighter pilot. Certainly the odd, yet entertaining trio.


What books have you read that are set in Australia??


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